From an Assessment Culture to a Learning Improvement Culture
Join us for an assessment workshop, "From an Assessment Culture to a Learning Improvement Culture," led by renowned assessment scholar, Keston Fulcher, Ph.D.
Use of "results" and "improvement" are common terms across U.S. institutions. Unfortunately, most institutions struggle to connect the results of assessment with student learning improvement, especially at the scale of academic degree programs. In this interactive workshop, participants will differentiate among assessment, change, and improvement, and practice the six steps for learning improvement at scale.
Keston Fulcher, Ph.D., is co-author of "Learning Improvement at Scale: A How-To Guide for Higher Education." He serves on the advisory panel to the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment, collaborates extensively with the Assessment Institute in Indianapolis, and is a founder of the Learning Improvement Community. He is a Professor of Graduate Psychology at James Madison University, coordinates professional development related to assessment and improvement, consults with multiple institutions, and serves as the university’s Improvement Strategist.